Aug 26, 2024
Sometimes in life, you find people that you just connect with. Sometimes, when you connect with those people, all plans are thrown out the window and you get to have a wonderfully authentic conversation based on how those people grew up. Such is this episode with Keli aka Kelz1977 on Twitch.
As I told Keli when we...
Aug 19, 2024
After someone shared her work to their stories, I fell in love with the energy, style, and mashups that Lili aka Floris_Lilium had on her Instagram. I knew she would be someone I'd enjoy getting to have on the podcast and share her stories. One "Yes" later, and here we are!
We focus solely on two topics for today. The...
Aug 12, 2024
It's always a wonderful time when guests say Yes to being a part of the podcast. I've been looking forward to having Amy aka MogwaiLatte join me. Now from her mouth to your ears!
We start things off by talking about Princess Parties. Amy talks about how not everyone can just put on a princess dress and entertain the...
Aug 5, 2024
I'm always on the lookout for people to ask to come on the podcast and bringing new topics to the podcast. I'm excited that Corazon aka VintageFilAmGlam on Instagram said yes, and now you get to listen and learn from her!
We kick things off with one of the long running fandoms, Dr. Who. Which I still have yet to watch....