Mar 11, 2024
Content Warnings: NSFW, 18+, wide ranging and frank mental health discussion
Amber aka TheSpaceJamber returns after two years as we get to catch up and talk about life and everything that's been going on recently!
We first get to catch up and chat for a bit before diving right back into one of Amber's main passions, Danny Phantom. We talk about the series again (listen to their original episode linked below for more Danny Phantom discussion) before Amber talks about an actual play series they ran for a tabletop roleplaying live stream (links to the stream also below!)
We segue into the realm of tabletop roleplaying games. Amber also talks about being ENNIE nominated in the TTRPG space and the work they've been doing with Flabbergasted and Necrobiotic. Amber also reveals that they're working on the latest CHEW tabletop rpg (based on the Image comic)
Then Amber and I talk about mental health. Amber talks about the past two years and her experiences. Amber talks about the importance of therapy. The discussion is wide ranging and frank, but worthwhile.
We wrap things up talking about crochet. From how it helps Amber with a number of things, to the creativity, and how they'd recommend learning/getting into the world of crochet.
You can find Amber at:
You can listen to Amber's original episode at:
You can watch the actual play of the TTRPG similar to Danny Phantom at:
You can find Flabbergasted at:
You can find Necrobiotic at: