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Welcome to the Tales from the Fandom podcast.  Please enjoy the episodes and leave comments, reviews or suggestions! Click on the links next to this for the RSS feed, iTunes and email!

Feb 22, 2021

Pre aka WariWariWay on Instagram and Twitter joins me to talk about some of her favorite fandoms!

We first start off talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra series. From there, we talk video games including the long running "Tales of" series and the Final Fantasy franchise. We also talk about...

Feb 15, 2021

Central Floridian Ashley aka Ashley Hime Cosplay on Instagram joins me to talk about some of her favorite fandoms.

We kick things off with Sailor Moon. before talking about Studio Ghibli movies. From there, we talk about The Legend of Zelda franchise before talking about Cosplay.

You can find Ashley at:

Feb 8, 2021

Ellie aka EG.Cosplay on Instagram joins me to talk about some of her favorite fandoms!

We start off with a discussion about Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. From fantasy to Sci-Fi, we move to Star Trek. We discuss a lot of the franchise but primarily talk about the Original Series and Next Generation. Then we go into...

Feb 1, 2021

Nicole aka Mommadubz on Twitch joins me to talk about some of her favorite fandoms.

We first discuss the TV series Outlander followed by webcomic Lore Olympus. After this, we talk video games and how she got involved in streaming on Twitch and being a community based streamer.

You can find Nicole at: